Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Week Dichotomy

One generally associates Thanksgiving with, what? Stuffing? Family? Togetherness? Fall? All that crap that makes you wanna punch Marth Stewart in the face? Yup.

My Thanksgiving, however, has not been very exciting or full of the above phenomena. Rather, I have had to work on college apps, a long and arduous process. I am allowed to work on college apps and do nothing else until all the UCs are done as well as USC. NOTHING else.
Not that I've been sticking to this rule, but it's still hard to get around it...

A whole week without school is not as appealing as it may seem :P

Things that have been keeping me alive are:
  • Short trips to Seoul/Lotte Market while my mom is out doing things
  • "Petsitting" (I spend ten minutes taking care of the pets of a family that did something fun on their break and take advantage of their TV, piano, etc for an hour.)
  • Big Bang, Wonder Girls, Edith Piaf, Tupac, and Nas (eclectic mix, haha)
  • http://mymomisafob.com and http://failblog.org
  • Starting a blog (hey, that's you!)
Oh well, happy thanksgiving everybody, I hope you're having more fun than I am

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